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We’re thrilled to share with you our ongoing WASH project . Access to clean water and proper sanitation is fundamental for the health and wellbeing of communities, yet millions of people around the world still lack these basic necessities. In Somalia the situation is no different, where a large population still lack the basics.

We are working tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

SOMALIA DROUGHT RESPONSE AND FAMINE PREVENTION PROGRAM (SDRFP) is funded by USAID/BHA  And implemented in partnership by Mercy Corps (MC)

The overall objectives of this project is:

  • Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance – Provision of 3 rounds of Unconditional Cash Transfer  households  in emergency need .
  • WASH support, including hygiene promotion, water trucking, water infrastructure and sanitation infrastructure as well as support to selected water management committees.
  • WASH interventions will complement nutrition interventions to avoid excess morbidity and mortality, specifically for those impacted by increased food insecurity due to drivers such as conflict, drought, and economic shocks.
  • Provision of distribution of Emergency shelter Kits (ESK)

So far, we’ve been able to make a significant impact in the area, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our team. We’ve also been working closely with the local community to raise awareness about the importance of proper sanitation and hygiene practices, and we’ve seen a positive change in behavior as a result.

The project adopted these criteria to ensure selected beneficiaries fit within the provisions of the assistance provided.

General criteria based on vulnerability

  • Child-headed households
  • Women-headed households,
  • Elderly
  • Households with people with disabilities,
  • Households with a high number of children under 5 years.
  • Newly arrived IDPs

Here are some miles we achieved in a month

  • Conducted a technical feasibility assessment of existing water sources.
  • Rehabilitated 1 communal Shallow wells (non- motorized but equipped with handpumps).
  • Established Water Management Committees in the communities.
  • The project managed to procure and distribute WASH NFI kits to 200 vulnerable households. In collaboration with Juba land Commission for Refugees and IDPs (JUCRI) the leadership at the camp level, SOLO successfully registered 200-target household in Danwadag and Tawakal.
  • In the target camps, 150 households were allocated to Danwaadag and 50 households to Tawakal IDP camps in Dobley with population reach of male 28 and Female 1720.
  • Procurement and distribution of 10 solid waste skips fabricated from 200l metal drums to IDP camps.
  • Procurement and Distributions of 10 environmental Health Kits for communities to use in environmental hygiene in IDP camps.
  • Conducted 4 environmental cleaning campaigns targeting congested IDP settlements


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